The Importance of Team Sport

Team sport

Team sport is an activity where the participants compete against each other in a sporting event that involves teammates facilitating the movement of a ball or similar object in accordance with a set of rules, to score goals. It is a popular and enjoyable activity that can benefit children and adults alike. Team sport can also help kids develop life skills that will enable them to be successful outside the playing arena, such as commitment, dedication, perseverance and teamwork.

The importance of team sports is evident from the fact that every Olympic Games features team competitions. Throughout history, team sport has been a prominent part of cultures, reflecting the values and priorities of societies.

Team sports can also be a great way to help children get regular exercise, which is important for health and wellbeing. In addition, training with a team can be more motivating and encourages you to push yourself further than you would on your own. It is also a good opportunity to socialise with new people and develop friendships that can last a lifetime.

However, it is estimated that only 21% of boys and 16% of girls meet recommended levels of physical activity in England. This is partly due to the limited availability of evidence on the effectiveness of physical activity interventions promoting participation in team sport for girls in the UK. This article reviews the available literature and identifies future research priorities to improve the methodological quality of complex intervention evaluation in this area.