Law is a set of rules created and enforced by society or government to regulate human behavior. Its precise definition is a subject of intense debate. Some see it as a system of commands, backed by threat of sanctions, from a sovereign authority to which people have a natural obligation of obedience. Others see it as an attempt to achieve social justice, protect individuals from tyranny and oppression, and allow for orderly social change.
In practice, there are many different legal systems that differ from each other. Some are complex, with several levels of court hierarchy. In general, decisions by the highest court in a jurisdiction are binding on lower courts and future courts. However, there are exceptions to this rule, such as when the decision is based on a treaty or constitutional provision.
A key component of any legal system is due process, which guarantees the right to a fair and impartial hearing before a judge or other decision maker. Another important aspect is accountability, which holds both the government and private actors accountable for their actions. Finally, law should be accessible and understandable to all citizens, regardless of background or social class. The tenets of these principles are the basis of the rule of law, an ideal that has roots in ancient scholarship.