What is Fashion?


Fashion is a medium of expression for people who want to convey their status, nature and attitude through their clothing. It is also a mirror of different eras and social movements and it is possible to identify the mood and culture of a certain period in history from the style of its clothes.

One thing that makes fashion interesting is its cyclical nature – once a popular style fades it can be expected to return again later on in a somewhat altered form. For example, the baggy jeans of the 1980s are now back in fashion as skinny jeans. Similarly, the high waisted skirts of the 1990s are now in fashion as low waisted skirts.

As the world becomes more and more globalized, the fashion industry is also becoming increasingly international. Designers often collaborate with manufacturers from all over the world to produce and distribute their clothes. The label on the back of a pair of shoes, for instance, might be from a country like Italy or Vietnam but the design and production is done by an American company.

It is also worth mentioning that Fashion has become much more democratic and accessible as the industry has grown. It is now possible for ordinary people to create their own style and share it with the rest of the world through a number of platforms, including websites, Instagram and TikTok. Many women who have developed a great sense of style say that it has less to do with some hidden talent and more to do with a process of learning and following a few simple guiding principles.