What Are Business Services?

Business services

Business services are activities that support the core mission of a company. These can be anything from property maintenance to delivering advertising to customers. They include all the auxiliary tasks that are necessary to keep a business running smoothly and efficiently. Examples of business services include IT, marketing, warehousing and inter- and intra-departmental communication. The responsibilities of the business service industry often include meeting customer needs, ensuring that employees have everything they need for work and that all aspects of a company are functioning properly.

In the case of business-to-business services, these are transactions that take place between trade organizations. For example, a car manufacturing company performs business-to-business services by ordering the tires and rubber hoses it uses to build vehicles from a wholesaler.

One distinguishing characteristic of business services is that they can be consumed and produced simultaneously. This differs from goods, which can be stocked for future use. The inseparability of consumption and production makes it hard to measure the value of a business service, but it can be influenced by the level of customer involvement.

If a service is important to your organization, you can mark it as a favorite on the Business Services page by clicking the star icon (). Favorite services display at the top of the list when you multi-sort the list. You can also create a Business Services page that contains only your favorite services. To do so, click Customize this page on the Business Services page and select your preferred settings.