Keys to Writing for News


News is a form of communication that conveys information about current events. It can be provided through various media including newspapers, television, radio and the Internet.

News Values: The values of news are based on culturally shared values. They include the desire to sell stories to audiences, the interest of readers in learning about a situation and the importance of drama and entertainment in news.

Choosing News: It is important to choose news that you understand and will be able to appreciate. It is also good to listen to a variety of different message sources. It gives you a fuller picture of how news is being presented across the media and makes you more open-minded about the way that you perceive your world.

Writing for News:

It is important to write in a clear, concise and understandable manner. The best way to do this is to use the active voice and follow a simple subject-verb-object sentence format.

Another key to writing for news is to keep in mind that a story that has a strong impact, incorporates violence and scandal, is familiar and local, and is timely will have the most influence on readers. However, there are a few exceptions to this rule.