What is News?

News is information about current events that is communicated by means of newspapers, radio, television or the internet. The news can be either real or imaginary, but the main purpose is to inform people of events that are happening in the world. People have been transporting news for centuries and this has helped develop societies around the globe. Today news has become a global business and is accessible to everyone.

News stories can be about many things but the most common is about people and what they are doing. Stories about war, politics, religion, education, health, the environment, fashion, entertainment and sport are all newsworthy. People are also interested in news about famous people, such as athletes, actors and politicians. People are often intrigued by what these people are up to, especially if they are involved in scandals or have fallen out of favour.

What determines whether a story becomes newsworthy is complex and depends on a number of factors. For example, an event might be important to society but not newsworthy if it happens regularly or is commonplace. Another factor is whether the event has been reported previously. If a story has already been published it is unlikely to be newsworthy, even if it is significant. News is also determined by the journalists themselves and their subjective, unconscious biases and motivations. This is known as the Mirror Model or Bargaining Model of news. This explains why events with similar intrinsic news values are not always given equal prominence in different situations.