Business services are a group of activities that support the primary operations, infrastructure and productivity of a company. This includes industries like Information Technology, which provides technical support for a company’s systems and networks, as well as the finance industry, which takes care of accounting, taxes, payroll, investments and other financial activities. Business services also include the procurement and shipping industry, which ensures that a company has all the materials it needs to operate.
There are a number of benefits to working in the Business services sector. The field is growing rapidly and offers a wide range of career options. However, it is important to understand what type of work you are suited for before starting a career in the field.
A few key characteristics of Business services are intangibility, ad hoc nature, and customer involvement. Intangibility means that a service can not be stocked or stored and it must be provided when demanded. A ad hoc nature means that each service must be unique and tailored for the customer. Customer involvement is also a key element in the provision of Business services as this can affect satisfaction levels.
The qualifications required for a career in the Business service sector vary depending on the field you choose. The best way to determine what type of qualifications you need is to research the specific job requirements and industry. A good place to start is the Bureau of Labor Statistics, which provides a breakdown of industry statistics and information on specific types of jobs.