How to Write Newsworthy Articles


News is information about things that have happened, are happening or might happen. Typically, news is reported in short articles, but longer or deeply investigated pieces exist as well. News can be delivered in a number of ways including radio, television, newspapers or online.

It is important to understand your audience when writing a news article, it will help dictate what facts to include. Ask yourself the 5 W’s (who, where, what, when, and why) to determine how you can best present your news.

The first paragraph of a news article should have a concise topic sentence that clearly describes the main point of the story. Placing this at the beginning of your article ensures it is not buried and that the reader continues reading. This practice is also known as “writing above the fold,” a term originating from newspaper publishing where the biggest and most pressing stories were placed above the crease of the paper.

News reports often feature people and what they are doing or have done. This can be anything from a child going to school, a person marrying or divorced, or even a man being killed by a car. Non-human events can also be newsworthy, for example, a natural disaster or environmental catastrophe.

Other common topics for news include weather, the economy, agriculture, education, health, sport and entertainment. Government proclamations or announcements are also commonly included in the news. News is a vital part of human society, it informs, educates and entertains. But, most importantly, it is a tool that enables us to make informed decisions about our world.