What is Technology?


‘Technology’ refers to the application of scientific knowledge to change the human environment. It is a term derived from ancient Greek words.

The term was first used to refer to a group of techniques, but later evolved to refer to a variety of processes. In the early twentieth century, Thorstein Veblen translated the German term Technik as ‘technology’.

The origin of the word is unknown, but it was likely derived from the words “technique” and “art”. Later, the term “technology” became associated with scientific progress.

Despite the close relationship between science and technology, there are important differences between the two. For example, Karl Marx believed that ongoing technological innovation was necessary for socialism and communism.

During the late nineteenth century, a critical attitude predominated in the philosophical discussion of technology. These commentators were typically schooled in humanities and social sciences.

The critical attitude, exemplified by Walter Sombart’s 1911 paper, criticized technological determinism. A similar critique of technological determinism occurred in the 1960s. However, the debate over technology’s impact on society has been a longstanding topic.

During the late nineteenth century, foundational issues were also discussed. Scientists and philosophers had a close relationship.

The central questions in philosophy deal with human action and practical rationality. The instrumentalist’s view of technology portrays it as a narrow technical rationality. In contrast, the humanities’ view of technology emphasizes the impact of technology on society.

Technology is a term used to describe a set of tools, techniques, and systems that human societies use to provide material objects of civilization. It is a term used to describe a range of processes, including engineering, design, and manufacturing. Technology helps to make things easier and resolve problems.